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1:2254 VAT Calc: Private person outside EU was detected with private person field in BT, and thus returning home rate for non-EU private persons - CZ tax rate: 21
Gopay for RSForm! ProGopay

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Gopay pro RSForm Pro!

Nejlepší platební brána ve východní Evropě - Gopay pro aplikaci RSForm Pro!. Inline verze (REST API). Cena bez instalace a nastavení.Detailní informace
Minion Interactive s.r.o.
Zdarma ke stažení
Verze platformy
Cena bez DPH1 694 Kč
Hodnota DPH356 Kč
Prodejní cena:2 050 Kč
 (89 EUR)
Gopay for RSForm! Pro
Gopay for RSForm! setup
Gopay for RSForm! setup payments
Gopay for RSForm! payments review


Zatím zde není žádné hodnocení tohoto produktu.

Historie verzí

2.2.4 2016-08-09 New API GoPay REST NEW
1.0.8 2014-11-25 Fixed bug in product name when multiple product field is used FIX
1.0.7 2014-03-03 Compatible with Joomla! 3, better sample data, language sent to payment gate as well. UPDATE
1.0.6 2013-09-25 Tranaction ID can't be INT. Too short FIX
1.0.4 2013-05-23    
1.0.3 2013-03-15    

Dokumentace produktu

Popular RSForm component allows you to make an easy e-commerce solution from the form. You can set several products, several payment methods and then customers can buy. Now, thanks to RSFP GoPay plugin, you can add GoPay payment gateway, in addition to PayPal and transfer payments.

Attention, GoPay plugin needs RSForm! Pro - PayPal plugin for proper functioning.

Plugin is install-able classically through the Extension Manager. All setting is already in the RSForm component. New tab „GoPay" appears to the configuration of RSForm when the plugin is active. Example settings are shown below.

Gopay RSForm! Pro configuration

Settings Explanation

Test vs. Production

GoPay has two states. Testing and real payment. If you set "Yes", the plugin will redirect you to the real GoPay gate. If you set "No", the gate and the login data will be considered as a test.


If it is not filled in, customers will be redirected to the main page of the site. It always displays the payment result like a classical Joomla notifications. You can specify the URL (including http:// ...), where the user should be redirected to. When user makes the payment correctly you can redirect him to the article with gratitude and a further plan. In case of error, you can redirect him back to the form to repeat the payment.

Payment methods

GoPay allows many payment methods. You can specify what you want to offer to your customers and which method of payment is going to be pre-selected. Payment codes are listed directly on the form.


GoPay in the current API 2.3 offers payment in CZK or EUR. Specify one of the options.


Select VAT as a decimal. For 21 % VAT fill in 0.21. The product prices will be increased by the VAT rate.

Name of product / e-mail box

Information about the product name and e-mail client has to be send to the GoPay gateway. Redirecting fails without these data. Therefore it is necessary to specify the name of the e-mail box and the product box from your form.

E-mail Setup

You can specify who receives e-mails about the payment. Enter several e-mails separated by commas. Then edit the e-mail title as you like. Same title goes both administrators and customers. You can then specify the e-mail texts for administrators and customers.

In the e-mails, you can use variables in curly brackets, which will be replaced by the data from a particular order before sending. Available variables are listed next to the text field.

The Testing Process

  1. Arrange the conditions with GoPay and ask them for test data.

  2. Fill in the test data to the plugin setting and test payments according to the procedure that GoPay will give you.

  3. If it isn't possible to redirect to the payment gateway, something is set wrong. For the purposes of debug, plugin logs its activities to /logs/rsfpgopay.php (or another folder that you set in configuration.php). You can discover here what's wrong. If you need help, please send the log to Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. and we will help you.

  4. In the log described above, callbackUrl is generated. You have to send this URL to GoPay – they set it up as a notification URL. Notification URL is required e. g. for SuperCash method wouldn't work without it, and TimeOuted state neither. CallbackUrl example:


  5. After successful tests ask GoPay to send production data.

  6. Insert production data into plugin configuration, switch plugin into Production: Yes.

  7. Make one more test - redirect to GoPay gate. Now, testing process is completed.

Popis produktu

Napojení aplikace RSForm pro! na platební bránu GoPay umožňuje různé on-line globální platební metody (přes 55 platebních metod, přijem 9 měn a 12 jazyků).

Připojením aplikace RSForm na platební bránu GoPay nabídnete svým zákazníkům bezpečný a pohodlný způsob online plateb. GoPay vám umožňuje platit pomocí všech typů kreditních karet (Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, American Express, JCB) a mnoha dalšími českými, slovenskými, polskými a dalšími platebními metodami.

Vhodné zejména pro český a slovenský online trh.

Webové stránky agregátoru GoPay: https://www.gopay.cz/

Přehled platebních metod: https://www.gopay.cz/jak-funguje-gopay/platebni-brana

Plugin podporuje nové GoPay API 2.3 s měnou CZK, EUR a dalšími. Stav platby bude u objednávky automaticky aktualizován poté, co zákazník dokončí platbu.



Plugin zasílá všechny informace o zakoupených vícenásobnýchj produktech na platební bránu Gopay (pokud zakoupíte více produktů najednou). To je výrazný rozdíl oproti standardní funkcionalitě RSform (například Paypal pluginu pro RSForm), který zasílá informace pouze o prvním produktu, pokud zakoupíte více produktů najednou.

Soubory ke stažení

Digitální produkt k prodeji

Předplatné: 6 měsíců

Celkový počet možných stažení: 12

Odkaz ke stažení produktu najdete na detailu objednávky ve svém účtu až po potvrzení objednávky administrátorem eshopu po kontrole zaplacení.
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