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New version

Gift for product

The plugin allows you to display the selected product gift on the product detail and category listing and send it in the feed in the desired formDetail informations
Minion Interactive s.r.o.
Date added:
Updated date:
Paid download
Platform compatibility:
3 VM3
VirtueMart 3.8.9 10542
Joomla! 3.10.2
Total without tax: 488 Kč
Tax amount 102 Kč
Sales price 590 Kč
 (26 EUR)


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Setup after instalation

  1. Create a Customfield of type string
  2. Enter the value into the input in the administration for the product:
    1. write directly the name of the gift "fountain pen", "bonbon" - plain text without clicking
    2. write sku product code, delimiter text "|" and text information "sdag-12 | Fountain pen" - a link with a click on the product detail
  3. Create CSS / Less classes in the eshop template according to the readme
  4.  Where it is necessary to display a gift for a product, insert individual codes according to the documentation in the readme (category, product detail, basket (virtueMart, OPC), administration of order detail, thank you page after order, in email (VirtueMart, Email Manager)
  5. It is possible to insert two display variants on the product detail (two variants of php code, providing a display of a different type)
    1. Text information
    2. Block of information with a picture
  6. Pictures with instructions and help pictures can be found after unpacking the installation zip file.
  7. If you use app EasyFeeder, then exist new element type - gift for product

Product history version

3.0.13 - ADD - SK language to instalation, little changes in language's constant

3.0.12 - FIX - ProductXport zobrazuje název parent produktu a ne dárku

3.0.11 - ADD - add after product name on product detail

3.0.10 - FIX - Fix zobrazení

3.0.09 - ADD - Add SK language

3.0.08 - FIX - Fix load language

3.0.07 - ADD - Refactoring, odstranění chyb, příprava pro J4, přidání kompatibility s ProductXport

3.0.06 - ADD - Update script.php

Product Description


  • display information about the gift (another product or just selected text), including an image and a click to detail another product (if another product is used)
  • edit the name of the product on the eshop - supplemented with information about the gift
  • send gift information in the correct format in the merchandise feed and heureka


  • add support feeds from ProductXport

Product download

Virtual products for sale
Gift for product 3.0.13

Subscription 6 months

Total amount of downloads 12

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