Výborná pomůcka, jednoduché nastavení, funkční
1.0.6 - 26. 06. 2022
ADD - more inputs for status change
1.0.5 - 15. 07. 2021
ADD - text reversal end of cron in log
FIX - New version of VM send duplicity of email after run cron and change status
1.0.4 - 12. 07. 2021 - ADD - compatibility with PHP7.2+
FIX - Fix some PHP errors for PHP7.2+
1.0.3 - 26. 10. 2020 - FIX - change of calendar year
FIX - Change code for change of calendar year
ADD - VM 3.0.8 don't send email after run cron and change status
1.0.2 - 26. 10. 2020
1.0.1 - 15. 10. 2020 - change cron
ADD - Cron is now inside plugin
1.0.0 - 22. 06. 2020 - actual version from client shop
With script cron.php for PHP 5.6 and VM 3.0.3
0.0.1b - 13. 11. 2016 - initial version
Plug-in for automatic sync of payments from Fio Bank (CZ, EUR) accounts and orders in Joomla / VirtueMart + change order status.
For the automatic function, it is necessary to create and set up the cron correctly.
Sample cron (without using Cpanel) for version 1.0.0:
*/30 * * * * php /data/www/domena/public_html/plugins/system/sync_payments_fio/scripts/cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1
Sample cron (without using Cpanel) for version > 1.0.1:
*/30 * * * * wget -O /dev/null "https://domena.cz/index.php?option=com_ajax&plugin=sync_payments_fio&task=plgVmOnCron&group=system" &>/dev/null
Tested on VM 3.0.3/PHP 7.3
Fio banka Sync pro VirtueMart 1.0.6
Subscription 6 months
Total amount of downloads 12